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Illinois Dog Bite Lawyer

Preventing Dog Bites

The best way to avoid or prevent a dog attack is to stay away from strange dogs. The Humane Society of the United States advises that no one should approach a strange dog, especially if the animal is tied or confined behind a fence or in a vehicle. Also, never disturb a dog while it is sleeping, eating, chewing on a toy or caring for puppies. A dog that doesn’t know you could see you as an intruder or as a threat.

Sometimes, we are faced with a situation where we are confronted by a dog that might attack. In such situations, experts suggest that you act with a cool head and avoid panicking at all costs:

  • Never scream and/or run away from the dog.
  • Remain motionless, hands placed on your sides and avoid eye contact with the dog.
  • Once the dog calms down, slowly back away until the animal is out of sight.
  • If the dog does attack give him something else to bite – jacket, purse – any object you can put in between.
  • If knocked to the ground, curl up like a ball and remain motionless until the dog retreats or goes away or until help arrives.

Children are most often the victims of dog attacks. Children may also be taught the same steps to prevent an attack and need to be educated about what to do if a dog attacks. But the most important lesson for children is not to tease or chase dogs and stay away from animals they don’t know.

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