Bus Accident
Steps to Take if Your Child Is Injured in a School Bus Accident
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that school buses are seven times safer than passenger cars or light trucks. As parents we like to think sending our children to school on the bus is safe. In reality, school bus accidents occur every year and sometimes serious injuries or death occurs. If your child is injured in a school bus accident, there are steps you should take to help ensure your family’s legal rights are protected.
How a St. Louis Bus Accident Lawyer Can Help You
A significant number of people are injured in accidents involving buses in the St. Louis area each year. Whether the incident involved a school bus, a motor coach, or an ordinary city bus, buses are capable of causing extremely serious injuries to other motorists when they are involved in accidents.
Have you or a loved one been involved in an
accident? Contact Page Law 24/7
1(800) 227-2727 or (314) 322-8515